Why is Filecoin layer 2 an important infrastructure for the Metaverse?

5 min readSep 22, 2023


“The Metaverse requires a community-driven approach, not controlled by a single company like Meta (formerly Facebook). Decentralized entities like DACs or DAOs align better with its organizational structure.”

TThe Metaverse demands a robust infrastructure beyond traditional cloud computing. While game companies currently rely on centralized cloud hosting services like Amazon, this is just the beginning. To support the expansive nature of the Metaverse, a decentralized and distributed approach is needed.Filecoin Layer 2, with its decentralized storage and computation capabilities, plays a critical role in the infrastructure of the Metaverse. By leveraging distributed storage and computing architectures, the Metaverse can operate securely and at scale, moving away from reliance on centralized cloud services. This shift to a decentralized infrastructure is essential for the long-term development and growth of the Metaverse.

The back-end infrastructure for the Metaverse encompasses communication equipment providers, communication service operators, central switches, IoT modules, optical communication, computational power, algorithms, and IDC facilities. These resources are being combined through blockchain incentives and shared crowd-sourcing models, with projects like HNT (Helium Network Token) emerging in this space. Filecoin, with its decentralized nature and vast storage capacity of at least 14 EB (exabytes), has the potential to become the largest ecological foundation for Metaverse infrastructure. With a global network of storage providers, Filecoin offers extensive storage resources, positioning it as a strong contender to serve as the fundamental infrastructure for the Metaverse.

The Metaverse aims to create a seamless and persistent virtual world with real-time social interactions and a user-owned economy spanning digital and physical realms. A Web 2.0 network lacking a persistent layer like HTTP would hinder its immersive nature. To overcome this, blockchain and distributed storage systems offer alternative solutions. By leveraging these technologies, we can achieve a seamless and persistent Metaverse experience that spans multiple virtual worlds.

The Metaverse requires a community-driven approach, not controlled by a single company like Meta (formerly Facebook). Decentralized entities like DACs or DAOs align better with its organizational structure. To foster genuine development, decentralization, community governance, and user ownership are crucial. Collaboration among stakeholders is essential for a Metaverse that reflects the values of the broader community. Web 3.0 shifts control to the community, fostering non-violent competition. Filecoin plays a crucial role in data ownership for the Metaverse. Web 3.0 Gamefi grants users asset ownership, unlike Web 2.0 games. Decentralized storage like Filecoin ensures secure ownership of personal game assets.

The Metaverse is poised to generate trillion-dollar markets in advertising, commerce, and social interactions. Web 3.0 principles must govern the backend infrastructure. Ensuring integration and consistency across asset types like NFTs, big data, and financial assets is a top priority for the growing Metaverse ecosystem.Integration of diverse asset types in the Metaverse unlocks opportunities and enhances the user experience. Filecoin’s FVM architecture addresses challenges by unifying data and financial assets in a secure manner.Data ownership and programmability are crucial in the Metaverse. Filecoin’s decentralized storage ensures secure storage and verification of NFT assets. Integrating programmability unlocks potential for dynamic interactions and smart contracts. This fosters a thriving and innovative Metaverse economy.

Data asset ownership expands DeFi possibilities, including data collateralized lending. Filecoin is a leading censorship-resistant network. In the Metaverse, individuals own and control their data, enabling autonomous transactions. Cryptocurrency safeguards personal property and fosters openness.The Metaverse embodies autonomy, creative freedom, and interconnected value. Data asset ownership, expanded DeFi, and cryptocurrencies create a secure and decentralized space. Filecoin serves as the foundational storage layer, enabling programmability through the Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM). This empowers flexible control and the creation of comprehensive storage markets.

FVM enhances Filecoin’s storage capabilities with smart contract execution. Layer 2 solutions, like side-chains or state channels, address scalability and efficiency. This strengthens the Metaverse infrastructure for developers and users.In the Metaverse, diverse applications integrate decentralized digital identities and token programming to enable multiple virtual identities with varying amounts of data. Layer 2 solutions in the Filecoin ecosystem facilitate such applications. Filecoin’s Layer 2 solutions enhance digital identity experiences, providing scalability and efficiency. The combination of data and token programming drives personalized and data-driven Metaverse experiences. Decentralized digital identities, social tokens, and data integration empower greater control and dynamic engagement in the Metaverse.

Platforms like the Layer2 infrastructure initiated by filDAO, including members like SINSO, accelerate data-focused DAPP applications in the Filecoin ecosystem. They provide comprehensive service components and tools, enabling the transition from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0. These platforms address challenges in application iteration due to the incomplete Filecoin ecosystem infrastructure.
By leveraging Layer2 side-chain mechanisms, these Layer2 technologies help alleviate potential network congestion and high gas fees that may occur with Filecoin FVM. By doing so, they contribute to refining the architecture of the Metaverse and accelerating its development.Layer2 technologies strengthen Filecoin, enhancing scalability and the user experience. They drive growth and adoption of Web3.0 applications in the Metaverse.

The Metaverse’s market size is projected to reach around $15 trillion, fueling rapid growth in back-end infrastructure. Filecoin, a leading distributed storage solution, has strong potential for building Metaverse back-end infrastructure. With decentralized storage, robust technology, and support for smart contracts and programmable data assets, Filecoin offers reliable solutions for Metaverse applications.Indeed, the market competition in back end infrastructure for the Metaverse will evolve over time. Various ecosystems and projects are vying to develop and enhance their offerings. Close monitoring of ecosystem development is crucial for investors and participants. Choosing and supporting projects based on factors like innovation, security, scalability, and user-friendliness is key in this rapidly changing landscape.




Web3.0 Infrastructure Simplifying Decentralized HotData Cache and Data Governance